Spring is a time of change, and we have taken that to heart here at Highlands Consulting this year. We have a lot of recent changes to share with you.
First, we have a new office! Due to continued project successes and growth, we needed a bigger space. As of May 1, 2010, we are now located in the Wells Fargo Center on Capitol Mall. Here is the new contact information
400 Capitol Mall, Suite 1540
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 448-4300 Office
(916) 448-4301 Fax
Next on the list is our new website! We are proud of the updated look-and-feel and would like to thank our web developer Jason Dorn for all of his great work. We have expanded the content and moved some things around to make finding what you need even easier than before.
As part of the updated website, we have added this blog! Our hopes are to share with the public sector and management consulting communities our experiences and insights. This will also give you an opportunity to get to know our staff better as they will all be contributing.
We’re on Twitter! You can follow us @FollowHCG. Partly, we hope to use Twitter to bring people here to the blog. More interestingly though we are attempting to follow leaders in State government, consulting, business analysis, project management, and emergency management and share their tweets of knowledge with you.
We are excitied about all of these things and truly hope they bring us closer to our clients, partners, and future employees. Feel free to leave a comment below or send us an e-mail.