Health care is undergoing a sea change, and it’s hard to predict what the California marketplace will look like even a year from now. The Affordable Care Act is impacting both public and private health care sectors. New plans are entering the market and long-established plans are reinventing themselves. And on the provider side, electronic health records systems and health information exchange remain high priorities. Bottom line, there’s a lot at stake for our clients as they make critical decisions every day.
While we can’t predict the future, we are helping our health care clients transform their daily operations to adapt to the new world. Our folks are certified in proven methodologies like Agile, Prosci, and PMBOK. Our project teams have built deep expertise in health care business processes and interfaces, specific to California’s diverse needs. My colleagues and I are excited to be working with a variety of client stakeholders to facilitate a path forward, and ultimately, to bridge the gap between policy and implementation.