Preserving a Prized Natural Resource in Our Community

Published by Charles Roberts

The American River Parkway is the Sacramento region’s most valued natural resource. The Parkway includes the Lower American River, which stretches 23 miles and covers over 4,800 acres, supporting hundreds of species of fish, wildlife, and natural vegetation. The Parkway is also used to provide drinking water and recreational access points to residents and visitors alike. In fact, the Parkway gets an estimated 5 million annual visitors – that’s more than Yosemite!

Throughout the year, the American River Parkway Foundation (ARPF) organizes several clean-up events to remove trash and other harmful debris from the Parkway and river. This year, Highlands Consulting was a proud sponsor of the Great American River Clean-Up (GARCU).  A group of us were among the 1,266 volunteers who picked up 22,142 pounds of trash!

We were grateful to be able to get our hands dirty and make an impact on our community’s most prized natural resource. Thank you to all the volunteers who participated and the ARPF for organizing this amazing event!