Let’s All Rise to the Challenge

Published by Dan Conway

For over a year now, I’ve had the privilege of helping the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) respond to the COVID crisis. It’s been a colossal effort by CDPH and its partners to stand up new systems and processes to support the testing, contact tracing, and vaccination of our state’s nearly 40 million citizens. Thousands of health and IT professionals have been rising to this massive challenge. It has been an honor to participate in these efforts and even more inspiring to witness the commitment and sacrifices by all involved.

As we enter the final stretch to administer millions of vaccinations, the Governor and CDPH has introduced “My Turn Volunteer” to encourage all Californians to help out – whether at vaccination sites, in our neighborhoods, or even online from home. Together we can help #VaccinateALL58 counties!

Sign up here today!